
Loving the Word

Do I really love the Word of God? Do I delight in it, take comfort in it, rejoice in it, hope in it, long for it, trust in it, observe it, run in the way of it, meditate on it, declare it, seek it, treasure it, fix my eyes on it, and not forget it? It's hard to respond truthfully to that question. Sometimes I do pursue the Word with my whole self, and other times...well, I consider a task, a duty. I'm studying Psalm 119, and in awe of my own lack of passion. Daily I read the words and then go back and read them again, because the depth of the psalmist's desire is worth at least a second read through. If I really lived this psalm, my every thought, desire, hope, awaking in the night, and song would be the Words of the Promise of God. I fall short of that mark. Don't we all? And yet, we are not to be oblivious to the world around us, humming our way through life. The Word is not just a book, it is alive and it has a purpose: that we may know God, both Who He Is and What He has Done, and be changed by a relationship with Him! When we read the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit prods us, illumines us, and convicts us. "This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept Your precepts." (Psalm 119:56 ESV) I got out another version, because I couldn't quite understand what this verse was saying. "This has become mine, that I observe Your precepts." (Psalm 119:56 NASB) I want this to be my view of my relationship with the commandments of God. It is my blessing, my treasure to know what my God wants from me, and to do it. That is mine. But it is also available to everyone who reads this Word and is changed by it. "For I find my delight in Your commandments, which I love." (v. 47) And this is what I want to be able to say, wholeheartedly and sincerely! May we develop habits and patterns of delighting in the Word and living it out, genuinely reflecting our God and His words, which we love!


Em said...

not just being in The Word, but Delighting in The Word... a reminder I need!! Thanks!

Logan Vaughan said...

Yeah, I mean, for the past 16 months or so, I've DIVED into God's word. But the last two weeks, I couldn't care less. What's up with that? It stinks! It got to the point where I read my Bible three different times each day, each time for a while. Now I bore while reading for just a few! Ugh. But each time I read, I LOVE it; it is just a struggle to get back into the habit of reading my Bible.