Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word....
Take time to be holy, the world rushes on...
Wouldn't it be a pity for a person to dehydrate while standing next to a mountain spring? That seems sheer ludicrousness. But what if her excuse is that she is too busy? What if she is so busy with school, church, job, and music... that she doesn't take the time to drink? (This is purely hypothetical, you understand).
Time. Hmmmm. I do not seem to have much of this rare commodity. I do not have time to waste, so I must guard it carefully, and use it wisely, on the things I really need to do. What I really NEED is to be in the Word more. More days. More at once. I need MORE of my GOD!
I am in Bible college. I am learning how to interpret the Bible, in-depth study of the Bible, overviews of the books of the Bible, how to apply the Bible, and how to sing and make music that glorifies the God of the Bible. And yet I am often dry in my soul, because I do not take the time to be in the Word for myself, just me and the Lord, satisfying my heart with His living water.
This is sheer ludicrousness. As a slave redeemed and ransomed by my Master, I should have no greater privilege than sitting at His feet. As a daughter of the King, I should have no greater joy than to be with my Father. As one who once was dead, but has been given new life by the Living God, I should NEVER try to live my life as though I can go on without Him.
Christ is my life. If this really true, then my life will be consistent with this statement.
Every breath. Every moment. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every year. Every decade. CHRIST is my all-consuming passion.
What will this look like in my life? This is where it becomes difficult, because the things I am doing are good. They are things I have responsibilities to do. But they still cannot become more important than my relationship with my God. When I go about my day without acknowledging Him as the Sustainer, Sovereign Lord, and Supreme Joy of my life, I am in essence living as an atheist. When I go about my day and make time for piano practice, time with friends, studying for exams, cleaning my room, and yet don't spend time with my Solid Rock, and Strong Fortress, I am in essence living as an idolater.
Even if it means losing more sleep...
Even if it means shutting myself in my room by myself with no homework...
Even if it means a little less study for that exam...
I must be consistent with what I say is true in my life. Christ IS MY LIFE. Now I need to take the time...

thanks so much, Soph...really, really needed this one.
Wow, this is amazing and SO true. Loved the parallel between the stream & God's living water - thank you for this!
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