As time goes on...priorities change. I only posted 7 times in the entire year and...I missed it. But I don't regret the things that made me busy this year or wish that things were different.
You see, God works in mysterious ways, so far above our own that we don't understand much of the time. At least for me, the times I get a glimpse of WHY are fewer than the times I must simply have faith without seeing at all.
This year, I went through the greatest trial thus far in my life. I wondered if God was really real. If He was really in control. If He was really good. And if so...WHY do things like this happen?
This year, I have experienced some of the greatest joy thus far in my life. I wondered how I could ever have doubted God. I delighted in the blessings that I don't deserve. I marvelled that such a feeling of peace and joy could really be experienced. And if so...WHY do things like this happen?
That really is the story of this year for me. Life is hard! But life is beautiful and rewarding, because in the darkest alleys, on the sparkling beaches, and in the deep, cool forest...God remains the same.
His plan is always to make us more like His Son Jesus Christ so we can bring glory to Him. Sometimes He uses times of pain and trial. Sometimes times of blessing and joy. Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself!
I'm excited for 2013. I started it off next to my dear best friend, with many wonderful friends who love the Lord! I'm enjoying some time with my beloved family before school starts up again next week.
I honestly don't know what this year holds for me. There will probably be times of frustration and waiting. Of trusting and hoping. Of laughing and singing. Of being still before the Lord.
My prayer is that no matter what happens...I will make the most of every moment and that next year at this time...I will look more like Christ.

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