
Food for Thought

A friend shared this on Facebook today, and I thought it was worth reposting :) It's a great reminder!

"If no one is accusing you of being too legalistic, then you probably aren't living a holy life. If no one is accusing you of being a 'bleeding heart', then you probably aren't loving enough. If no one is accusing you of being too dogmatic, then you probably aren't standing for the truth. If no one is accusing you or criticizing you, then you probably aren't doing anything significant."                 - Israel Wayne


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you put this...I just got back from orchestra (which is about the only time I'm not around other believers:) and there I get this feeling of definitely NOT fitting in. I know that some poeple talk about me behind my back...which doesn't bother me a whole lot, but still...this was a great encouragement and reminder! Thanks!

Logan Vaughan said...

THat's a pretty sweet quote! I like it! Thanks for sharing that!

Carissa said...

Wow, sis! That's such a neat quote- and a challenge. Thanks for re-posting:)