As I read my "latest" post, from the day I opened my birthday gifts, I am astonished at the grace of God in me writing that when I did. That VERY NIGHT, my life changed forever as my dad went into the hospital in the middle of the night and our family entered the darkest valley and trial we've ever experienced. And yet that night, I typed the words: I can grow through trials. I can sing in the rain, because I am not alone! I have a family and a God who love me and want the best for me!
God so graciously and faithfully brought us through that trial. He was still good in the darkest, hardest moments, and HE IS THAT SAME GOD today! I need Him just as much today as I did then, even though I don't have recognize that! He lovingly guides and directs my steps every day and His Word is my delight!
Since there are some of you who may not have heard from me since February (or before!), here are some highlights of what has gone on in my life since I dropped off the face of blogging world:)

Another thing that has been going on recently is...God brought a special young man into my life! The way the Lord has led in our lives is amazing and wonderful and I would love to write an entire post about sometime! But in a nutshell...Garth and I have many close mutual friends, and so have known each other casually for a few years. In January, the Lord brought the thought into his mind to pray about pursuing a relationship with me. So he talked with his parents and prayed for 4 months and then talked to my daddy in April about getting to know him better. While I traveled around the country singing and having no idea, my dear father and Garth talked on the phone, got together and PRAYED A LOT!
When I returned home in August, we went on a family vacation to Northern Minnesota. On the trip, Dad took me aside and told me about Garth's interest. I was amazed and agreed to pray about it. Since Garth had prayed about it so long and had peace about it, and my Daddy had vetted him out and approved of him, it didn't take me too long to agree as well. About a week later, Garth and his parents came over and ate supper with us. Two days later, we officially began courting on August 19th:)
It has been quite the lovely adventure! I am so blessed to be in an intentional, God-focused, parent-guided relationship with such a godly young man. He loves God with his whole heart and is an amazing example to me of what a consistent relationship with the Lord looks like.
I could say so much more...but that's a start:) God is good. All the time! I don't deserve the rich and manifold blessings He has given me, but I am so thankful. Life is beautiful. And I'm loving it!

1 comment:
Congratulations, Sophie!!!!!
Thanks for posting the was good to hear from you again (and with such exciting news!). I'll be praying for you and Garth as you continue courting=)
I'm glad to hear college is going well for you and you're learning a lot and taking advantage of the opportunities God gives you!
You should update more often;-)
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