
**Birthday Blessings**

Yep! Today was my 19th birthday!
One of those crazy, doesn't-really-feel-like-a-birthday birthdays...not because of anyone's neglect or forgetfulness (so don't feel bad Mom and Dad:), but because responsibilities trump partying:)
Though today wasn't the type of birthday I always longed for as a child...it was a pretty special day!
Some of the blessings from God today...
  • The roads weren't too icy...so I stayed alive to celebrate my birthday:)
  • My mommy got up early and made me a hot breakfast!
  • My little sisters got up early to give me birthday hugs before I went off to school!
  • My sister and daddy got me a Starbucks coffee and a balloon in chapel <3
  • The message in chapel was out of one of my favorite passages: Philippians 3: 10-11
  • SO many people wished me a happy birthday at school today! It was an encouragement!
  • I got a great new CD from a friend at school today: saxophone+piano=beautiful!
  • Another friend bought me a raspberry iced tea--yummy!
  • Classes and music rehearsals went well...definitely learning a lot and being challenged!
  • It was a friend's bridal shower tonight! God is faithfully working in her and her fiance's life to make them a beautiful reflection of His relationship with the church!
  • I got to eat supper with my whole family tonight! Special times to cherish...
  • I am drinking tea and spending time in the Word before bed! God's Word is alive and personal!
As I look back on the day, there were many exclamation-point-worthy things, but the best blessing of today...was the life God has given me! Every day may not be a super exciting, fun-filled day, but every day is a gift, a blessing, a treasure to invest. 
God has me alive for a purpose, and He WILL work everything out for good, which means making me more into a reflection of His Son FOR HIS GLORY!
May this nineteenth year of my life bring Him glory more than any other thus far...whether that means joy or sorrow, blessings or burdens...I am His.


Christ Follower said...

Wow, amazing that you love all of those things on your 19th birthday! God is really doing amazing things in your life! Can I ask how you came to know Him? I heard about Christ through a local pro-life pregnancy help center, they were having a class on purity and they gave the gospel at the class.

Christ Follower said...

Oh yes, Happy Birthday!

Sophie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Yes, God has done great things in my life, as it sounds like He has in yours as well!
I would love to tell you how I came to know Him! I had the amazing blessing of growing up with parents that know the Lord and seek to follow Him! But even then, I knew at a young age that I was a sinner. I knew I was bound for hell. But I didn't really understand the gospel until I was seven years old. It was Good Friday, two days before Easter and my family went to a Passion drama. I realized for the first time the PAIN and suffering that Christ went through for me, a sinner! I remember thinking, "If Christ was willing to go through all that for me, how am I not willing to give my life to Him?"
So that night I confessed my utter sinfulness to the Lord and believed on Him and His death on the cross, and He justified me! Ever since, I have been His child! It's an amazing truth that transforms every moment when I choose to live by it!