
So much to be thankful for....

Thanksgiving is two days away!  Unbelievable! The year 2010 is almost coming to a close.
I know that we should not be thankful ONLY at Thanksgiving, but I am thankful for the reminder:) It is one of those things I often forget.
So at these time of year, I make it a point to INTENTIONALLY and PURPOSEFULLY remember what I have to be thankful for.

  • My God and Heavenly Father--Who He is: His Essence and Attributes, What He has done, What He is doing, and What He will do in the future!
  • My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-Who is God and yet came in the form of a servant, in the likeness of man, with the sole purpose of redeeming those who would believe in His perfect life, His miracles, His words, His sacrificial death, His magnificent resurrection, His ascension to the Right hand of God, His Intercession on my behalf before God, and His Imminent resurrection of the believing dead and snatching up of the believers who are alive and remain
  • A 100% guaranteed eternal life with my God!
  • The Helper, the Holy Spirit- Whom the Father sent to comfort, illumine, protect, remind, strengthen, empower and encourage me, Who helps me in my weakness when I do not know what to pray for as I ought
  • The Word of God--His VERY WORDS--which is my guidebook, treasure, and song; in which every word is profitable, and it gives me all I need to life and godliness; it is a fountain deep, in which I could dive forever and never reach the bottom; a lamp to my feet, showing me where I err, and a light to my path, showing me where to go;  it is a living and powerful sword, piercing into the very center of who I am, showing me the truth of my sin, and yet my position in Christ: justified; it never returns void, accomplishes what it pleases, and prospers in the thing for which it was sent; it will never pass away; it is Truth, by which I can know Christ and be found in Him; it is my joy and my heart's delight
  • The Creation of God- which bears witness to a perfect, holy, creative God Who desired a universe that reflected His majesty to bring glory to His name; for the heavens--full of stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems; for the sky--full of clouds, sending forth rain and snow, lightning and thunder; for the beauty of the earth--the trees, flowers, mountains, grasses, valleys, rivers, oceans, waterfalls, volcanos, caves, and deep water trenches; for the creatures--of every shape and size--insects, elephants, birds, bats, spiders, butterflies, dogs, cats, penguins, lizards, frogs, beavers, hedgehogs, moles, giraffe, deer, mice, eagles, ants, fish, dolphins, whales, squids, and starfish;  for the men made in His image--who speak in thousands of tongues, look completely different from one another but have His image in common, and who have this creation clearly manifest to them, so that they are without excuse.
  • My parents --who love God with all their heart soul and mind, and teach His words to their children diligently, while they sit in their house, when they walk by the way, when they lie down and when they rise up; who desire that their children be rooted and grounded in the ways of the Lord, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it
  • My four sisters--all of whom are dear treasures and pillars in the house of God; who are all walking the narrow way, seeking to become women of virtue and excellence, being conformed to the image of His Son.
  • My two little brothers--for the joy and humor they bring to my life!  For their deep thoughts and tender hearts; for their desire to serve God with their lives and "tell people about Jesus;"  for their delight in small things that escape my notice
  • My extended family--who love God and are such a delight to be with; for our many times of laughter, sharing, and happiness
  • My friends--of whom there are so many who encourage and rebuke me, laugh and cry with me, trust me enough to share their hearts and their sincerity in listening to and praying for me
  • My church family-who, for the past six years, have been so supportive and encouraging; from whom I have learned so much and cherish them all
  • My warm house--where I know I am always at home
  • Bountiful food--of which there is always enough
  • Clean, fresh water--because I know so many don't have it
  • Plenty of clothes--more than I need
  • Good health--I cannot take this for granted when so many are sick and struggle with lifelong diseases
  • Opportunites to serve and bless others that I may reflect to them Christ, my Savior
  • Freedom and prosperity in this country--which so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ do not have; 
  • For the heritage of faith that was the foundation of this country; for those who have sacrificed everything that I might live in this freedom; for those brave men and women who were willing to travel to a foreign land so that they and their posterity might be free to worship as they please, which is why I can publicly post this blog and say, without fear, that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, bound to live and die in for Him, no matter what happens.  
And if some day, I am not able to have the "temporal things" on this list, I will still be grateful, "for I know whom I believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day."
I KNOW that He is Faithful, and I will always have something to be thankful for.

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