quotes that challenge my soul

"As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness." Psalm 17:15

“Your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.” Piper

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and left untried.” GK Chesterton

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliott

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world!" - C.S. Lewis, MERE CHRISTIANITY

"Lord God, You are worthy of an adoration far greater than my dull heart can give You. Dazzle my soul to be allured by You and stir my heart with remembrances of Christ's love for me. Then will my walk be endless praise." -A Puritan Prayer

"The things that are closest to our hearts are the things that we talk about, and if God is close to your heart, you will talk about HIm." -A.W. Tozer

I cannot bear it that we should love Jesus little. It seems to me horrible. Let us love him to the utmost. Let us ask him to give us larger hearts, and to fire them with the flame that is in his own, that we may love him to the utmost possibilities of affection. –Spurgeon

"I never knew up to that time that God loved us so much. This heart of mine began to thaw out; I could not keep back the tears. I just drank it in...I tell you there is one thing that draws above everything else in the world and that is love. -Moody

"It is when you get to doubt the love of God that you grow hard and cold. But when you are fired with the love of a dying Savior who gave himself for you, you feel as if you loved every beggar in the street, and you long to bring every harlot to Christ's dear feet. You cannot help it. If Christ baptizes your heart into his love, you will be covered with it and filled with it. –Spurgeon

The true worth of a man is to be measured by the objects he pursues. --Marcus Aurelius

It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him. --Abraham Lincoln

Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter. -Spurgeon

There is no better test for a man's ultimate integrity than his behavior when he is wrong. –Unknown

There is nothing insignificant. –Coleridge

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. –Disraeli

The way we are going to think tomorrow depends largely on what we are thinking today. -Brown

What we are afraid to do before men, we should be afraid to think before God. –Anonymous

Optimism: A cheerful frame of mind that enables a teakettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose. –Anonymous

There is not such thing as preaching patience into people unless the sermon is so long they have to practice it while they hear. –Beecher

A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he'll feel worse when he feels better. -Anonymous

When thou prayest, rather let thy heart be without words than thy words without heart.-Bunyan

And Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees. –Cowper

Work as if you were to live 100 years; pray as if you were to die tomorrow. -Franklin

Neglect of private prayer is the locust that devours the strength of the church. –Spurgeon

He who would be a mover of the world must not be moved by the world. –Anonymous

I have often regretted my speech-never my silence. -Syrus

If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. –Moody

The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. –Socrates

What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do. –Aristotle

A truly virtuous person is like good metal-the more he is fired, the more he is refined; the more he is opposed, the more he is approved. Wrongs may well try him and touch him, but they cannot imprint on him any false stamp. –Richelieu

What the world calls virtue, without Christ, is a name and a dream. The foundation of all human excellence must be laid deep in the blood of the Redeemer's cross and in the power of His resurrection. -Robertson


Unknown said...

I love you, my dear daughter! What a blessing to spend our lives living for the King of Kings, Who will surely return ONE DAY SOON! I am eternally grateful for Christ, our common bond in life and eternity. I love your artistry, your poetic instinct, your joy, and your dedication to Christ and Truth. Carry on; keep making a difference. BRING GLORY TO HIM! Great site!!!!

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!!!! This was an extremely eye-opening home page. I stared at the abortions that were happening just as I sat here. As the numbers raised my heart fell. How is it possible for that many kids to die every day!!!! Thanks for taking time to make this!!