
Day 9: O, How Shall I keep my Christmas/Mommy's Birthday!

This carol was completely unknown to me until a few minutes ago! As something a little different, here is a video of the tune along with the words...
You can view the text without the video here.

Isn't that beautiful? I really enjoyed it!
Today is my Mommy's (I won't say which) birthday!  This carol reminds me of her because she does not ever, EVER take a song or verse just as words. She sings from her soul and considers the words deeply.  When she reads a Bible passage to us children, she carefully explains and urges us to consider the deep truths.  
She is a keeper at home (Titus 2), faithfully caring for her husband and seven children. My mother has faithfully home-schooled all her children beginning with kindergarten (at this point the total being 14 years, but at least 13 to go!) and all the way through high school. She always tries to make our home a sweet and safe place for us.  She looks out for things around the house that need to be changed to make this happen. 
She rises early and spends time in the Scriptures.  I could not count the mornings in which I found my mother early in the morning at the kitchen table studying the Word of her God whom she loves.  If I am doing my devotions at the same time, I am often interuppted as she shares with me something she is learning. She is so excited by finding truth that she has to share it.
She is the queen of our house and yet a servant, working all day long.  
She is my friend and counselor. I know that she will always listen and have a wise word, but not her own words.  She always points me back to the One who understands my problems better than I.
There are so many more things I could say about my Mommy! But in Proverbs 31, King Lemuel says it best: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates."

Me, Mommy, and my older sister, Jessie

Happy Birthday Mommy Dear!  May God richly bless you this year!

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